“Eyes of the City” will be the world’s first architecture Biennale to be entirely produced on-site. As part of an open-source approach to curatorship, exhibitors have produced a series of blueprints that include instructions on how to develop each installation.
The blueprints were initially made available to Shenzhen-based suppliers, who are currently finalizing the construction of all the installations. Later on, all projects will be made available online for anyone to download and potentially reenact the Biennale.
Inspired by the Fab Lab movements initiated by MIT professor Neil Gershenfeld, this choice acts as both a tribute to Shenzhen’s role as “factory of the world” and as a way to push the boundaries of open-source design, which relies on information shared digitally. This approach also made it possible to develop an entire Biennale virtually, without international shipping – reducing environmental impact.